Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Inspiration?

I know that I haven't used this blog in well...ever! but I felt that I've been doing so many things that are creative, fun and inspirational, I just had to share. Its not often that someone is able to give back to something that has given so much. I read a lot of blogs, find people whom I find inspirational, and I feel that I take so much from these people that I'm not contributing. So here's my first attempt at giving something back!

What I've Been Up to so far!

  1. I've started making jewelry again, for some reason I've been enjoying this immensely. Just the creative feel of making things that I can wear has been such a joy, and very therapeutic. Just turning on my computer and stringing beads or turning jump rings is such a great way to relax and enjoy.
  2. I've started to wear makeup! For years I was always on the down turn of makeup, never really knowing HOW to wear it, HOW to apply or HOW it works with me! I always loved color, and I always hated that there were never really any options other than MAC and Urban Decay that offered bright makeup. I came across Lime Crime Makeup created by the fabulous Doe Deere and my color wishes came true. I know that there has been some drama regarding her makeup, but I've found my whole experience with the company to be very satisfying. Not only that, but I love her Candy Future Lipsticks, and true to her word these lipsticks are one application color. I'll do more of a review on them later! Its not just the makeup though, I love her blog! Its a great place to wander into and look at her different makeup ideas, and thoughts. Its just a relaxing place for people to go, just to enjoy.
  3. I've gotten into fashion! Now, this is not the fashion that we see on runways or on E! or Style, but its more along the lines of costuming. I'm starting to dress up more with different themes, and most of them are for movies! I usually dress up towards the theme with the movie, and I'll give what I wore, and what did I make, so on so forth. I'll also give my review on the movie itself. If people are curious, I'll go a head and give the tutorial on the makeup itself! ^_^ It's probably a long way from what other people do, but I like it and its fun! ^_^
  4. My artistic side has been coming out, and its been doing that more so on my The Oracle of Dreams deviant art account than ever! I purchased a Bamboo Wacom board back in December, and I'm loving every minute of using it! I never realized the countless ways you could use PhotoShop and a Wacom board! I love it it! And, within reason of my stock photographers, I will post images up here with proper crediting of course, with copyrights, of some images I would like to display.
  5. More so now than ever I've been writing. Its as if a dam has blown and the rivers of thoughts are convening in my head ready to pour out onto the world. Now I really can't delve into what I'm actually writing, but I'll write about my inspirations for the works, and why I wanted to write them! ^_^
Thanks for the time and effort that you're doing for my work, I love doing all this, and I love giving out inspirations to other people who come across this. I hope I keep up with all that I'm promising, and hope that there are topics out there that would benefit my carefree cause that I'm producing here.

With the Warmest Regards,

The Oracle of Dreams

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